In stock! Usually ships within 24 hours.

Reactive water-based aging stain to easily and quickly give the wood a weathered look. Can also be used on wood that does not contain tannin.

» Positive stain that accentuates the wood grain.

» Provides depth and a unique texture to the wood.

» Also usable on wood types that do not contain tannin.


Make sure that all old finish coats are completely removed and that the wood is free from dust and other dirt. Can be used on sanded, planed, and brushed wood. Pre-wetting the wood reduces the risk of overlapping.


Mix Aquavintage 2C (A) with Activator Aquavintage 2C (B) 1/1 and stir it well. Apply evenly the product with a spray gun, roller or brush, and subsequently even out with a brush or mop.

Smoothen the surface with a buffing pad after the full reaction time. Afterwards, the surface should be made dust free, after which the Aquavintage 2C can be finished with an oil or waterborne finish from the Ciranova® product line. Please contact the technical Ciranova® service for information about using a varnish.

Case4 x 5 L
Coverage160-220 sq.ft./L
DisposalDispose of residue and empty packaging in accordance with local ordinances.
Drying times12 hours
Number of colors8 colors
PotlifeAfter mixing, the product will be usable for another +/- 4 weeks.
Product typewaterbone
Sanding gritP 100-120
Shelf life12 months in the original and unopened packaging.
Storage/transportbetween 5°C and 25°C
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Important notice: The calculated consumption can vary due to various factors, e.g. cut, structure and age of the wood, etc. Please also consult the product label for the most current information.

Disclaimer: For the most accurate and up-to-date application instructions, please refer to the product label on the can. Information provided online is intended as a general guide.

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