In stock! Usually ships within 24 hours.

Modified parquet oil with excellent wear resistance. Good filling, natural color, and excellent chemical and mechanical resistance. Gives a very matte finish. The mechanical chemical resistance can be further improved by adding a UA hardener.

» Matte, natural finish that maintains the natural appearance of the wooden surface.

» Fast-drying.

» Excellent chemical resistance.


Make sure that all old finish coats are completely removed and that the wood is free from dust and other dirt. Can be used on sanded, planed, and brushed wood. Pre-wetting the wood can give a more intensive stain


Stir and shake well before and during use. Apply HARDWAXOIL MAGIC evenly with a buffing machine or a brush. Let the Hardwaxoil Magic settle and remove any excess oil within a few minutes by brushing it with a pad or cloth until the surface feels hand-dry. Hardwood like oak require 2 layers. Multiple layers can be applied for softwood. For exotic wood types, the Hardwaxoil Magic should be tested beforehand. For industrial applications (rolling, spraying) the Ciranova® technical service should be consulted.

A colored oil should subsequently be finished with a layer of Hardwaxoil Magic (Satin) or the Hardwaxoil TITAN (roller application).


For regular maintenance, we recommend Ciranova® Flooring Soap. For periodic maintenance, use Ciranova® Maintenance Oil or first use Ciranova® Intensive Cleaner in case of heavy dirt. Hardwaxoil MAGIC is only fully hardened after +/- 7 days. During this period, the wood cannot be treated with water or maintenance products.

Case6 x 0.946 L 4 x 5 L
CleaningCleaning Thinner Ciranova®
Coverage450-550 sq.ft./L per coat
DisposalDispose of residue and empty packaging in accordance with local ordinances
Drying timesRecoatable: natural after +/- 6 hours colored: 12 hours Lightly walkable after 24 hours. Fully cured after +/- 10 days
Gloss levelUltra matte
Mixing ratioOptional hardener UA: 100/5
Number of colors8 colors
Potlife+/- 3 hours after adding the hardener
Product typeSolvent-based
Sanding gritP 100-120
Shelf life24 months in the original and unopened packaging.
Solid content+/- 47%
Storage/transportbetween 5°C and 25°C
Viscosity+/- 50 sec - DIN 4mm
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Important notice: The calculated consumption can vary due to various factors, e.g. cut, structure and age of the wood, etc. Please also consult the product label for the most current information.

Disclaimer: For the most accurate and up-to-date application instructions, please refer to the product label on the can. Information provided online is intended as a general guide.

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